After School Classes
2024-2025 School Year
** Classes are each one hour long directly after school. Kids will go to the after school class directly from their classroom at the end of the day.

Outdoor Games - Grades K-2 (Chanel) Partial Session 9/30-10/28
Enjoy time outside playing games.
Room 125/fields
Creative Building (sculpture) - Grades K-2 (Chanel) Partial Session 11/11 - 12/16
We will explore building different sculptures weekly.
Reach 125/Dismissal door 6 (Main entrance)
Flag Football - Grades 3-5 (Schorr) 9/30 - 10/28
Basketball - Grades 3 - 5 (Schorr). 11/11 - 12/16
Full STEAM Ahead - Grades K,1,2 (Glanzer)
Enjoy hands-on experiments, challenges, and creations that are designed to nurture creativity, problem solving, collaboration, and of course, fun!
Room 113/Dismissal Door 5 (Segoe side breezeway)
Legos and Building Materials - Grades 2,3,4,5 (Ashmore)
Lego, Marble Run, Lincoln Logs and Building Activities!
Room 119/Dismissal door 6 (Main entrance)
Mindfulness and Yoga - Grades 2,3,4,5 (Miller-Bishoff) Partial Session 10/1-11/12
Help unwind and calm your brain and body through yoga and mindfulness!
Reach 125/Dismissal door 5 (Segoe side breezeway)
Yoga and Mindfulness - Grades K,1,2 (Miller-Bishoff) Partial Session 11/19-12/17
Help unwind and calm your brain and body through yoga and mindfulness!
Reach 125/Dismissal door 5 (Segoe side breezeway)
Book clubs and Brownies - Grades 4, 5 (Mahr) Partial Session 10/01-11/26
Do you love to read and discuss fantastic books? Students will have the opportunity to self-select books to read and participate in a facilitated discussion while enjoying a different baked treat each week. Please let Ms. Mahr know if you have dietary restrictions prior to the class starting. We will use the Literature Circle format for the first round and then students will decide what format they would enjoy best for the remaining weeks.
Room 115/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Story and Craft hour 1 - Grades K, 1 (McGuire) Partial Session 10/1- 10/29
Listen to a high-quality children’s picture book read aloud and then create your very own masterpiece based off of something in the story. Each week your child will come home with a special work of art that they made in the class!
Room 104/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Story and Craft hour 2 - Grades K, 1 (McGuire) Partial Session 11/12-12/17
Listen to a high-quality children’s picture book read aloud and then create your very own masterpiece based off of something in the story. Each week your child will come home with a special work of art that they made in the class!
Room 104/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Repurpose with a Purpose - Grades 1, 2, 3 (Ford) Partial Session 10/1-10/29
Learn how to repurpose old, unused items from around the home and create a new purpose for them. Every week participants will learn how to upcycle an item found at home by crafting them into something new. Example: turn an old t-shirt into a bag.
Room 109/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Tweezers and Strings and Beads, Oh My! - Grades 3, 4, 5 (Ford) Partial Session 11/12-12/17
Learn how to make your own jewelry using small glass beads. Students will be taught to make earrings, bracelets, necklaces, keychains and more.
Room 109/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Growing Readers and Writers - Grades K- 5 (Follett) 10/1-12/17
Do you love reading books and making your own books? We will come together as a K-5 community to grow our reading and writing lives. Our time together may be focused on reading and writing as a group, with buddies or independently. This is an inquiry-based club, so your ideas for reading and book making projects are welcome.
LMC/Dismissal door 6 (Main entrance)
Let’s Learn Mate’ - Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 (Savage) 10/1-11/12
Travel down under with Mrs. Savage on a trip of a lifetime to learn all about Australia. Each week we will learn some fascinating facts about the continent of Australia while incorporating a weekly Australian inspired piece of artwork.
Room 111/Dismissal door 5 (Segoe side breezeway)
Unicorns and Mermaids Galore Take 2 - Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 (Savage) 11/19-12/17
Each week students will create fanciful art based on these mythical creatures. If you took Mermaids and Unicorns Galore last year, these will be all new projects!
Room 111/Dismissal door 5 (Segoe side breezeway)
Yearbook - Grade 5 (Ford)
Help create our yearbook
LMC/Dismissal door 4 (Main entrance)
Reading and Tea - Grades 4,5 (Jimenez)
Do you love to read? Come and enjoy reading time with some tea to drink!
Room 119/Dismissal door 5 (Segoe side breezeway)
Soccer - Grades 3-5 (Chanel) Partial Session 10/2 - 10/30
Room 125
Let’s Play Cards - Grades 3, 4, 5 (Chanel) Partial Session 11/6 - 12/18
Each week we will learn and play a new card game.
Reach 125/Dismissal door 6 (Main entrance)
Scratch - Grades 4, 5 (Mahr)
Learn how to code with students from the UW
Room 115/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Science Team Challenge 1 - Grades K, 1 (McGuire) Partial Session 10/02-10/30
Work together with your teammates to complete the challenge of the week! Each week, teams will earn points for collaboration, design and creativity. At the end of our five-week session, we will crown the science team challenge champions!
Room 104/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Intro to French - Grades 1, 2 (McGuire) Partial Session 11/06-12/18
Bienvenue! All are welcome to join this class, regardless if you took it last year or not. We will learn about the country of France and learn basic vocabulary and simple phrases in French.
Room 104/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Mindfulness in Nature - Grades 2, 3, 4, 5 (Koval and Follett)
Each class, we will strive to spend as much time as possible outside in our VHE environment. We will journal, walk, notice, wonder, explore, do art and much more. We will also follow student interest and inquiry into what they hope to do in nature right here on their school grounds.
Room 124/Dismissal door 5 (Segoe side breezeway)
Tech Time - Grades 3, 4, 5 (Ashmore)
A computer club where students may explore a variety of computer based activities
LMC/Dismissal Door 6 (Main Entrance)
Amazing Animals - Grades K, 1 (McGuire) Partial Session 10/10 - 11/07
Each week we will study an interesting animal and learn fun facts about where they live, what they do, and what makes them extra special. Then, we will create an art project or craft based off of the animal of the week. Your child will come home with that project each week.
Room 104/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Science Team Challenge 2 - Grades K, 1 (McGuire) Partial Session 11/14-12/19
Work together with your teammates to complete the challenge of the week! Each week, teams will earn points for collaboration, design and creativity. At the end of our five-week session, we will crown the science team challenge champions!
Room 104/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
The Garden Club - Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Ford) Partial Session 9/26-11/7
Learn about our school's growing garden, how to grow and take care of a garden at home, and how plants grow. Participants will help take care of the school's garden by harvesting, watering and putting the garden to bed. This class will take place outside and participants may get wet and dirty, so please dress accordingly.
Waukesha Street/Playground Gardens/Room 109/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)
Meditation and Me - Grades K, 1, 2 (Ford) Partial Session 11/14-12/19
Learn a new meditation/calming technique each week. Create a meditation/calming craft that can be used at home.
Room 109/Dismissal door 4 (Near playground)