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The Van Hise PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) works to engage our school community and enhance classroom learning by providing volunteer and monetary support to a broad range of events and projects that benefit students, teachers and families. Each year the PTO undertakes various fundraising efforts, including a direct appeal, to provide funding for community building events for families, technology upgrades for the classrooms, garden and outdoor classroom development, and annual grants to support teachers and staff. Every family with a child at Van Hise is automatically a member of the Van Hise PTO.


The Van Hise PTO is focused on enhancing the school experience for all students and families, via fundraising, community building, promoting school spirit, and communications.

A. To be a volunteer support group for Van Hise Elementary School.


B. To promote fellowship along with communication between children, parents, school and community.


C. To be kept informed of and supportive to the programs, purposes and philosophies of the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) to provide the best education possible for all students.


D. To represent the school and students before the school administration, district administration and committees, and the school board.

E. To develop united efforts among faculty, parents, students and the general public to provide for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental and social education.

All are Welcome, All the PTO

The Van Hise Elementary PTO holds various events throughout the year, in addition to monthly meetings. Members are encouraged to express their ideas and opinions at PTO meetings. All members attending a PTO meeting have a vote in the operations of our organization. Committee members provide monthly reports and the principal provides any school updates. To help enable families to attend, childcare is provided by Red Cross certified students from Hamilton Middle School. We welcome you, your unique perspective, and ideas!

Watch for a monthly newsletter from the PTO highlighting upcoming events and featuring school happenings.

If you have questions or would like to get involved, please contact your PTO President at

Contact Us

Thank you!

Contact Info

2024-25 Board Members

Mimi Johnson

Chrissy Greer



Colleen Ott

Maggie Brickerman



​Grace & George Sisson





At Large

Adam Gratch (Events)

Joseph Clark (After School Classes)

Renee Deschard 

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